Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Blog!

I don't make New Year's resolutions. I have plenty of resolve and can stubbornly attach myself to all manner of tasks, but I usually feel like resolutions of the calendar-flipping variety tend to have a built-in excuse for failure. But I am a fan of the loophole, and I call on that time-honored clause to introduce a new endeavor for 2011 ... that I've been planning to do for a couple months now. (See?)

For more than four years, I've been writing with various levels of regularity over at Secret Agent Mom. That blog was begun during a time of my life I can hardly recognize anymore. I had one child and ran two small businesses, and that blog was designed as a way to chronicle how those three things worked together (or didn't). Both of those businesses are now closed, and that child has become a big sister, and I've found myself drawn to writing subjects that are bigger and broader than SAM can reasonably accommodate.

I am a native Minnesotan, and it is still home to most of my family. Yet I have been living in Memphis for more than eleven years now, longer than I've lived anywhere else. This blog won't focus on comparing and contrasting the two places, although I'm sure that subject will come up. Rather, these two communities have shaped who I am and how I see the world, and so I chose Memphisotan to represent my identity.

My plan - not a resolution, mind you - is to post weekly. I hope you'll join me as I begin this next chapter.

1 comment:

  1. Great name! Looking forward to reading. From another Memphisotan (with California roots thrown in)...
